A wonderful pit stop
23.54 | Author: Tee
Picture taken and edited by Windhar with Nti's camera

A brief but great pit stop in the journey to the last pier with great friends. I thank to God because He gave me damn great friends. Just like Windhar said that friends is like pieces of puzzle in your life. To make your life complete, all you gotta do is find all the pieces.

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2 komentar:

On 13 Maret 2008 pukul 06.14 , Workshop riska mengatakan...

hah? fotonya yang "take and edit" windhar? kalo dit bisa kali ya, tapi take? dia kan ada di foto itu? hi! horor deh mas tejo ini..

oia, ada masalah apa to mas tejo, can i help?

On 13 Maret 2008 pukul 21.33 , Tee mengatakan...

Hehe..tanya windhar aje y...=P
Thank you for your concern but i'll handle it myself..thanks again sis..