Page of Determination
01.13 | Author: Tee

i do not choose to be a common man; it’s my right to be uncommon; if ican..i seek oportunity..not security; i do not wish to be kept citizen humbled an dulled by having the state look after me; i want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build; to fail and to succed; i prefer the challenges of life to the guaranted existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the state of utopia; i will not trade freedom for benefiancence nor my dignity for a handout; i will never coward before any master nor bend to any threat; it’s my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid;

to think and act for myself

(from someone)

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3 komentar:

On 20 September 2008 pukul 06.29 , Anonim mengatakan...

aku kenal paragraf ini dengan sangat baik. Ini Enterpreneur's Credo. Aku pernah ngutip itu dulu di bulletin kkmmss. hehe ... .

On 22 September 2008 pukul 23.30 , Tee mengatakan...


On 23 September 2008 pukul 23.20 , Tulus Hamdani mengatakan...

halo mas twejo.. lama ga kesini..

katanya dalem bgt mas,
sepertinya saia juga udah lumayan familiar dengan kata2 itu..
kayakny saia udah pernah berpikir kayak itu..