19.03 | Author: Tee
Aku ngambil test personality di Mypersonality. Dan hasilnya :

Keterangan di sitenya:

" ENTPs are logical, innovative, curious and downright inventive. They see possibilities for improvement everywhere and possess the ability to understand complex concepts. ENTPs are introspective and carefree nonconformists. They often neglect the more common areas of life while pursuing new solutions. ENTPs can be good conversationalists and exciting company."

"ENTPs are idea people. Their perceptive abilities cause them to see possibilities everywhere. They get excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and are able to spread their enthusiasm to others. In this way, they get the support that they need to fulfill their visions"

"People with Kinesthetic intelligence love movement. They enjoy sports and/or dance. They are good at building things and like to stay active. They have good motor skills and are very aware of their bodies. They learn best through movement and experimentation."

Iz that really me. or it just my own opinion?
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3 komentar:

On 29 November 2007 pukul 02.05 , Dadang Suhirman mengatakan...

Tenyata kita berseberangan Jo'.
Yang E sama P-nya itu.

Btw, figure dari webnya koq kerenan ENTP ya drpd INTJ ya...

On 3 Desember 2007 pukul 00.52 , Unknown mengatakan...

hohoho... hampir sama kayak saya, cuma bedanya saya INTP bukan ENTP...
hhmmm... kayaknya lebih bagusan INTP deh hehehe...

On 3 Desember 2007 pukul 23.47 , Tee mengatakan...

to p titis : kok bisa????
to dadank : hehehe......