My new skin
20.09 | Author: Tee
I don't plan to change my blog's skin but seeing Abi's blog made me want to. So I decided to try the link he gave in his blog and I saw a nice skin and placed it in my blog. It looked great now but i must work hard to update the html like adding my blog link and i don't have the list. Sob...

A few weeks ago I'm thinking to create another blog, a blog that will contain my thought about what's happening in the world, but i think it"ll troublesome to me so decided not to until i have the power and time.

Oh yes, I want to say welcome back to Abi and Pak Budi. They finally posting again after a few months without any post. Abi got a new skin now, better then before the old school skin. Pak Budi strikes back with his new quiz that i haven't got the answer yet, you should try it.

Finally i hope this new skin can resemble my new life. Right now i'm trying to improve my life, better then do nothing. Many of my friends have a new life right now and i'm trying to reach my new life. I hope GOD will answer my pray quickly. Amin

Last word, please help me with my english and give me correction if i wrong. Thank you..

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5 komentar:

On 25 Januari 2009 pukul 20.10 , tanti mengatakan...

mas tejo, you are so cool! keren banget.. aku suka skinnya.. mas tejo banget.
mas tejo bisa memanfaatkan blognya dg lebih baik. Kok keren banget siy sampeyan ini.
dari 10 cewek 8 cewek mesti bakal termehek-mehek sama sampeyan. Yang dua nggak. Aku sama mb nuri, hehee.

On 27 Januari 2009 pukul 22.25 , Billie D Zarudo mengatakan...

punyaku di ece..
punyamu dipuji..
semoga beruntung j!

On 29 Januari 2009 pukul 04.47 , Ayudhia Paramesti mengatakan...

hahahahaha.... ketularan aku hoii... hahahahahah... sip sip sip.... new look is better.. hahaha... you are better than mas abi... ijo pula.. I like it!!!! sip sip sip...

On 31 Januari 2009 pukul 19.17 , Tee mengatakan...

Wah ntu berkat u bru..makanya pilih skin yg bagus bru

On 23 April 2009 pukul 08.06 , Anonim mengatakan...

yeach right.
Thanks for welcoming back me

BTW, better for you to give it a go for the quiz.
Hint: it was in Decision Theory class.